University of Houston-Downtown

    UHD MBA Business Intelligence Interest Form

    The UHD MBA Program is excited to expand course offerings in the field of Business Intelligence! To capture the latest updates for the upcoming term, please complete this interest form. We are excited to share the upcoming information sessions, career opportunities, and next steps with you.

    The UHD’s Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program is structured to help current and aspiring business leaders develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in today’s fast-paced business environment. The Marilyn Davies College of Business designed this career-friendly option for working professionals who want to pursue their studies while continuing to work. It fits the needs of those who have earned an undergraduate degree in business administration and those who hold a bachelor’s degree in an unrelated area and want the flexibility, expertise, and earning power of an MBA. 
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    By submitting this form, I accept the privacy policy and understand that the University of Houston-Downtown may contact me about educational programs using automated technology and/or text messaging.